Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Blonde Moment today

I dropped my phone in the toilet.. like a stupid person!!!!!!! and now it won't turn on :(
Gosh. I quit :)

Monday, January 12, 2009


I prayed with a random person today.. :)
Details later to come. But it was simply amazing.
God is good. God is love!!!

Thursday, January 8, 2009


*This is my youth group's lesson from our first week of "First Things First" bible study**

“For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God!”

–Romans 3:23

What is Sin?

*In the beginning, God created the universe and everything in it. He created it so that everything was good. He designed it to operate according to His laws. (Genesis 1)

*Many of us are familiar with the fall of man.. Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the fruit. After that, God’s perfect creation wasn’t perfect anymore and his creations (us) would never be the same! (Genesis 3)

*Since then, the world has been plagued with pain, suffering, sorrow, and death; none of which are from God. Every human being is born into sin.

Sin= The tendencies to revel against God’s law.

Sin= Doing as you please (Isaiah 53:6)

Sin= Failing to do the things that we ought to do (James 4:17)

Sin= Failing to recognize God (Romans 1:18-21)

Sin= Failing to obey the Ten commandments and the laws of the land (Matthew 5: 21, 22, 27, 28)

Sin is never a private matter because if affects families (divorce, broken relationships), society (crime, injustice), and earthly matters (pollution, waste).

Sin is rooted in selfishness and pride.

Big Deal. We Mess Up, So what?!

* Sin is not a small or laughing matter. It’s not “Breaking the Rules”. Simply, it’s life or death. You never know when it’s your time to go!

* To sin is to set oneself in opposition to God and to go against the very foundations of the earth. We rebel against the one who created us!

* For some, this is a harder concept to believe, but we are not in complete control of our lives when we belive. And to sin is to defy God (think similar to parents) and it’s an act to try and take God off His throne and take His place.

So what Happens when we sin?

*We are all guilty and have no excuse (Ephesians 2:1-3

*Hell is the place God set aside for those who refuse to obey Him and submit to His authority. It is also called the burning lake of fire.

*God warned Adam & Eve that sinning would result in spiritual death and they did it anyway. There actions affect every person in the world. Spiritual death means you can neither see nor please God.

*God created us to have a relationship, commune, and get to know Him. But we cannot do that if we have sin in our lives. Sin separates us from God.

*Sin robs us from freedom and puts us in bondage (John 8:34)

*To live in sin traps us, we cannot free ourselves from its power and we’re unable to decide right from wrong.

Help! How do we fix it?

You cannot fix it. You cannot change the past. Sin is unremovable. WE cannot do anything. We need help.

Do We Need Superman?

Not quite. But God is the only one who can help us! 2,000 years ago, Jesus Christ took our punishment for us when he died on the cross. Though he was (and still is today) divine, perfect, sinless, innocent, and rightrous; He took our punishment as a mortal man. *He was punished in our place (Isaiah 53:4-6)

*After 3 days, he raised from the dead in victory over satan. He broke the chains and bondage that held us captives to our sins. (Acts 2:24)

*God didn’t do anything wrong yet, he sent His only son to cover our butts! (john 3:16) and make it so we can have a relationship with Him again.

*He came to earth as a man to die for us and bring us back to him (1 Corinthians 5:18-21

*His ressurection proved and sealed his defeat of sin and it’s penalty.. death!

Amazing Grace!

We’re saved by God’s grace. We’re not saved because we’re worthy, deserving, it’s not our divine right, and we surely didn’t earn it. It’s free. He is savior and He alone saves! (Ephesians 7:8-9)

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Reception Site?

So we found this great, amazing, beautiful wedding reception possibility site!! It's The Hanoum Estate in Oakley. My dad knows the pastor who owns it, so he's hopefully going to try and get a deal with them :) Check out the pics, It's gorgeous! HOLLAR! Let me know what you think?!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Years!

I don't think I said it yet on here.. so HAPPY NEW YEARS!! I hope everyone had a safe yet fun filled night last night!! I am looking forward to tons of things in 2009! I love new things.. so of course I love new years.. plus it gets rid of last year! :) I'll be getting married in 09, having fun, turning 21, making friends, continuing school and getting closer to Nursing.. :) IM EXCITED!

Lat night was kind of low key.. I didn't get off work until about 7:30. I went straight to my aunt Kelly's house to say hi to my fam bam. Then got home and got dressed. Went by the church to say hi to my parents and everyone. Then we went to my brother's house, he was having a party of course. It was fun. But awkward to be the only sober ones there! So then for the ball dropping we went back to aunt Kelly's and celebrated with all my cousins and sisters! I love my family! I hope you guys had a good night too! What'd you do?

P.S. If you don't see me a lot on here it is because I started another blog: www.soon2behealthybride.blogspot.com
