Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Life is Great...

Life is amazing. Life is great. What can I say? I'm ridiculously happy :)

So here's my update:
* I'm addicted... literally.. to wedding stuff. Not so much the stuff.. but the pictures! I love photography already as it is, so it's not surprising. I can't wait to start really planning stuff.
*My last final for school is Thursday morning! Hollar! Then, I just want to work as much as I can to make money before the next semester is over.
*Christmas is next week.. my favorite Holiday. 1) Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior was born this day. 2) Family time :)
*My 21st birthday is 44 days away.. :)
*I'm going to begin researching venues for the wedding reception this week.. any ideas? Let me know!
* I get to see my babies this weekend!!! :)
*Family situation is getting better.. I just wish my mom would snap out of her funk!

Wedding Quote of the Week:
"Planning a wedding is like coloring when you're 4: There's no right or wrong way to do it. And everyone will love it because they love you!" -Joel Daly (Bride Magazine)

Just some pics of ideas I love:
I will def be having a candy bar!


LA said...

Thanks for the comments :) Long distance has actually been a blessing in the long run (not the gas tank ;) ) but every time I see him I am so excited and thrilled. It never gets old kissing him hello. :)

Kristin said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I made the calendar the old fashion way, and I had so much fun working on it. I'm actually going to be making another one in the next couple of weeks, so you should definitely keep stopping by and checking in!

I can't wait to read through your blog =) oh, and I love the inspiration for your wedding that you included in this post!

ashley said...

that's an awesome quote. every BTB should post that on their fridge!

Megan said...

Hey girl! Thanks for stopping by my blog! Actually most of the time I feel like I am taking to myself also!!! Congrats on getting engaged. Have fun wedding planning - don't get too stressed!