Sunday, October 25, 2009


I'm here... and this time hopefully to stay!! I'm so sorry about not posting and not commenting on other peoples posts! I sucked for the past few months. :) Congrats to HER for getting married!!!! I'm very excited for you both!

So I don't even know where to start with all of this :)

Married life is good, well great. It was a lot, LOT, of change in the beginning with the new job, semester starting, and being married. Lol. But that has passed for the most part and I am loving being a wife. I love calling him my husband, love waking up next to me, and love when we kiss goodnight. It's honestly an amazing feeling when you find that special someone and are prepared to spend the rest of your life with that person. So, what can I say? I'm a happy newlywed!!! :)

I got a new job about fifteen minutes from my house (on a good traffic day) and I absolutely love it. I'm a Medical Assistant in a Pediatric office and it's great. The atmosphere is great, the people are fun and great, and I love the patients. I love meeting new people, helping people, and seeing the kids get healthy! I am def a people person and the medical field is where I belong, it's where my heart is!!

With that said, I cannot wait until school and pre-reqs are over!!!! I want to be done with school and into the nursing program already. School this semester is going okay though. It's not exactly first on my list but I am getting it done and I know that doesn't sound the best but this semester I'm taking History and psychology of personality... so it's not absolutely pertaining to nursing :) lol. So we will see how the semester ends..

Youth group, in case you didn't know.. I'm the youth group leader at my church, and I love it! It is a great feeling to help lead young people to the Lord. We have currently renovating the middle building to make it the new youth room. It should be a great project for us all to do!!! I love it!!! I wish I could have a clone who could do youth group completely full time :) lol.

Ok, I'm done blabbing for now. Let me knwo what you ladies adn gents think. I miss y'all :)

Sorry so long!!!

And Lastly, really?!?! Yankees in the world series again. UGH!!!!

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